The overall purpose of this policy is to protect the image of AFCC.  The policy defines the AFCC trademark and guidelines for use.

In order to comply with and assure protection under federal trademark law (15 U.S.C. 1051 et seq.), The Association of Family and Conciliation Courts ("AFCC") is required to monitor all uses of its trademarks.

The AFCC logo is a registered trademark of AFCC.  AFCC has exclusive rights to the use of the AFCC logo. The AFCC logo is a valuable legal and intellectual asset; its unauthorized use is prohibited. Questions regarding this policy or the proper use of AFCC trademarks should be directed [email protected].

This policy applies to AFCC members, non-members, chapters and other organizations.

AFCC’s trademarks include, but are not limited to the words "Association of Family and Conciliation Courts" and all current and future trademarks, service marks, word marks, designs or logos used by AFCC.

AFCC asserts ownership over its name and any trademark that has come to be associated with AFCC.  AFCC has registered [certain of its trademarks] with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

AFCC’s trademarks are intended to present a positive image of AFCC, and may be altered only by AFCC and its chapters as noted in Section 5 of this policy. AFCC’s trademarks may not be used in the name of a business, logo, in promoting services or on a product in a way that could state or imply an endorsement by AFCC without prior written consent from AFCC.

AFCC's trademarks are not to be used in way that is inconsistent with AFCC's mission, vision, and values.

Chapters of the organization may adapt use the organization’s logos for use as an AFCC Chapter logo, provided the following guidelines are met:

  • The logo and text should be used together and should be adapted to include the Chapter’s state, province or country or the commonly accepted abbreviation.
  • The typeface shall not be altered or replaced with another.
  • The proportions of logo and text shall be retained.
  • Decoration of the logo is acceptable as long as the basic logo remains clearly visible.
  • Chapters may not use the AFCC logo or name without including the chapter affiliation without written permission from the AFCC Executive Director.

Organizations with which AFCC is collaborating on a project or program may request permission to use the logo provided by AFCC on conference brochures, websites or other materials by submitting a written request to the AFCC Executive Director.

Individuals, whether or not they are a member of AFCC, are prohibited from using the AFCC logo on business cards, websites, resumes or any other document or materials.

Persons or entities which use AFCC's trademarks without permission are subject to civil and criminal penalties pursuant to trademark law. AFCC intends to protect its trademarks and associated goodwill to the full extent of the law.